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Connecticut’s only critical care air ambulance service is operated from the rooftop heliport of Hartford Hospital. The LIFE STAR program was introduced in 1985 under the leadership of Dr. Lenworth Jacobs, Chairman of the Department of Traumatology & Emergency Medicine. Two twin-engine BK117 helicopters currently respond to over 2,000 requests per year (65 percent inter-facility transfers and 35 percent scene calls). More than half of the transported patients are victims of major trauma; the rest are patients with medical or cardiac crises, pediatric cases, or high risk obstetric, neonatal or burn patients.
The rooftop heliport at Hartford Hospital is the largest in New England, and one of the largest in the country. Four helicopters can be accommodated on the helipad, with space for two more aircraft inside the rooftop hangar. One of the helicopters is based there, while the other is stationed at Backus Hospital approximately 45 miles to the south.
Graded exposure to the LIFE STAR program occurs throughout the residency beginning with didactic lectures in the first year and flight experience is voluntary. Emergency Medicine residents are granted preference for flight time, and we have had a few residents yearly who spend their elective time flying with the program. Residents who fly are granted increased levels of responsibility, including team leadership, dependent on their individual involvement with the LIFE STAR team. Rapid assessment and appropriate stabilization of transported patients is taught including aggressive field airway management. Those residents choosing to fly may participate in the biweekly flight crew continuous quality improvement conference when all deaths, complications, and cases of interest are presented and discussed.
LIFE STAR Homepage – Click Here